What are the advantages of a wide anthology series American Horror Story? One of them is a story that is not too overextended. Then what drawbacks? The opposite of excess, with only one season and 13 episodes, the story that has been built with both often get a rush conclusions. The lack of it has happened several times in American Horror Story, and repeated the episode Edward Mordrake Part 2. Continuing the story of the first part, here Edward Mordrake resumed his quest freak he can take his soul. This episode will be more focused on the background of some of the characters while they are in the past said Edward. Starting from Suzi, Paul until Elsa reveals a dark side that they buried in the past. Narrative that made the three of them actually had managed to open this episode very well. No need to linger, the second part is a direct step on the gas with tales of twisted and demented of each character. The tension is heightened when the audience is made to wonder who in the end who will be killed by Edward.