Kamis, 02 Juli 2015

Tugas Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2


A Thousand Years (Seribu Tahun)

Heart beats fast, Colors and promises
Jantung berdetak cepat, Warna-warna dan janji-janji

How to be brave, How can I love when I’m afraid to fall
Bagaimana agar berani, Bagaimana aku bisa mencintai kalau aku takut gagal

But watching you stand alone
Tapi melihatmu berdiri sendiri

All of my doubt suddenly goes away somehow
Entah bagaimana semua keraguanku tiba-tiba menghilang

One step closer
Selangkah lebih dekat

I have died everyday waiting for you
Aku bagaikan telah mati setiap hari menunggumu

Darling don’t be afraid I have loved you for a thousand years
Sayang, janganlah takut aku telah mencintaimu selama seribu tahun

I’ll love you for a thousand more
Aku akan mencintaimu selama ribuan tahun lagi

Time stands still, Beauty in all she is
Waktu masih tetap ada, Keindahan ada padanya

I will be brave I will not let anything take away
Aku akan berani Aku tidak akan membiarkan apa pun merebutnya

What’s standing in front of me
Apapun yang berdiri di hadapanku

Every breath, Every hour has come to this
Setiap nafas, Setiap jam telah datang kesini

One step closer
Selangkah lebih dekat

I have died everyday waiting for you
Aku bagaikan telah mati setiap hari menunggumu

Darling don’t be afraid I have loved you for a thousand years
Sayang, janganlah takut aku telah mencintaimu selama seribu tahun

I’ll love you for a thousand more
Aku akan mencintaimu selama ribuan tahun lagi

And all along I believed I would find you
Dan selama ini aku percaya aku akan menemukanmu

Time has brought your heart to me
Waktu telah membawa hatimu kepadaku

I have loved you for a thousand years
Aku telah mencintaimu selama seribu tahun

I’ll love you for a thousand more
Aku akan mencintaimu selama ribuan tahun lagi

One step closer
Seangkah lebih dekat

One step closer
Selangkah lebih dekat

I have died everyday waiting for you
Aku bagaikan telah mati setiap hari menunggumu

Darling don’t be afraid I have loved you for a thousand years
Sayang, janganlah takut aku telah mencintaimu selama seribu tahun

I’ll love you for a thousand more
Aku akan mencintaimu selama ribuan tahun lagi

And all along I believed I would find you
Dan selama ini aku percaya aku akan menemukanmu

Time has brought your heart to me
Waktu telah membawa hatiku kepada mu

I have loved you for a thousand years
Aku telah mencintaimu selama seribu tahun

I’ll love you for a thousand more
Aku akan mencintaimu selama ribuan tahun lagi


My plan is the next 5-10 years:

After graduating from the University Gunadarma want to work for 2-3 years after the marriage. Done married husband wants to cooperate with the joint entrepreneurship and saving to buy a house, car and send the kids as high. Expectations for the next 5 years wants all met. After that, if there is more money to build a business such as a garage, restaurant or shop. Hope for 10 years to come all goes as desired. Healthy and happy.

Rabu, 06 Mei 2015

Tugas 2 "Bahasa inggris bisnis2"

What are the advantages of a wide anthology series American Horror Story? One of them is a story that is not too overextended. Then what drawbacks? The opposite of excess, with only one season and 13 episodes, the story that has been built with both often get a rush conclusions. The lack of it has happened several times in American Horror Story, and repeated the episode Edward Mordrake Part 2. Continuing the story of the first part, here Edward Mordrake resumed his quest freak he can take his soul. This episode will be more focused on the background of some of the characters while they are in the past said Edward. Starting from Suzi, Paul until Elsa reveals a dark side that they buried in the past. Narrative that made the three of them actually had managed to open this episode very well. No need to linger, the second part is a direct step on the gas with tales of twisted and demented of each character. The tension is heightened when the audience is made to wonder who in the end who will be killed by Edward.

Senin, 23 Maret 2015

Tugas Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

CLEAR WATERadalah a brand of bottled water (bottled water) produced by PT CLEAN Golden Mississippi in Indonesia since 1973. Besides Indonesia, CLEAN also sold in Singapore. CLEAN is a brand of bottled water with the largest sales in Indonesia and is one of the most famous brands of bottled water in Indonesia, so it has become like a generic brand of bottled water. Currently, there are 14 factories producing CLEAN with different ownership (10 mills owned by PT Tirta Investama, 3 factories owned by PT CLEAN Golden Mississippi, and factories in Berastagi, North Sumatra owned by PT Tirta Sibayakindo).
Since 1998, the CLEAN already owned by multinational companies in the field of food and beverages from France, Danone Group, the result of the merger of PT CLEAN Golden Mississippi with Danone.
CLEAN Group was founded by Tirto Utomo, a native of Wonosobo that after working out of Pertamina to establish a business of bottled water (bottled water).
Tirta made a large contribution to the development of a business or business of bottled water in Indonesia, because as a Pioneer, the deceased managed to instill the values ​​and perspectives of bottled drinking water business in Indonesia.

The benefits of consuming mineral water:
Benefits of Eating Mineral Water, Prompts for drinking, consuming minimal mineral water 8-10 glasses or 2 to 2.5 liters per day. In order for us to follow these recommendations, we need to know the benefits of Mineral Water, Mineral Water Benefits Here to health;
Mineral Water Benefits To Maintain balance of the body.
Our bodies are partly composed of water, useful in the process of digestion, absorption of nutrients, nutrient transport, blood circulation in the body. Our bodies have a mechanism in maintaining the balance of the water intake and exit. To maintain water intake, thirst is a normal mechanism.
Mineral Water Benefits To Increase Energy
Body fatigue when performing everyday activities, we have experienced dehydration. Then drink a glass of water, two glasses of mineral water is able to maintain the freshness of the middle of the activity.
Mineral Water Benefits For Skin Health
Dry skin becomes wrinkled as lack of fluids, because the body absorbs the water content of the skin. By drinking mineral water, can maintain skin moisture and remove toxins in the body so that the skin maintained their health, hydrate the skin cells, remove impurities and improve circulation and blood flow, so that the skin becomes fresher